ঢাকা, সোমবার, মার্চ ২৪, ২০২৫ | ৯ চৈত্র ১৪৩১

About NBS

News Broadcasting Service [NBS] is a premier news agency, online daily and TV, delivering fast, accurate in-depth coverage of the events shaping worlds from wars and conflicts to politics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology. Our journalists spread across almost every country; NBS covers the world 24 hours a day in two languages, in video, text, photos, graphics and multimedia. It is a think tank of ideas, new outlook and new visions. News Broadcasting Service was founded on December 9, 2015. 


Administrative & Managerial Composition
NBS is run by a Board of Directors with the Chairmanship going by rotation at the Annual General Meeting. The day-to-day administration and management of NBS is headed by the Chief Executive Officer (who is also the Editor-in-Chief).


The Board of Directors
Vice Chairman
The Senior Management Team
Editor-in-Chief & CEO
General Manager (Administration)
Executive Editor
Deputy Executive Editor
Senior Editor-Photo
Chief Administrative Officer
General Manager (Finance)
Chief Engineer