Walton ‘AC Service Partner Conference’ held with life insurance policy declaration
The day-long ‘AC Service Partner Conference-2024’ of the electronics giant Walton was held at the headquarters of Walton Hi-Tech Industries PLC at Chandra of Gazipur.
At the conference, life insurance policy was declared for the AC service experts of Walton, Marcel, ACC and Safe brands. In Bangladesh, Walton first-ever started life insurance policy support for the AC service experts.
On Sunday morning (March 3, 2024), Walton Hi-Tech Industries PLC’s Managing Director S M Mahbubul Alam inaugurated the day-long ‘AC Service Partner Conference-2024’ at Walton Headquarters in Chandra, Gazipur.
With the slogan of ‘We were the best, We are the best and We will be the best,’ over 1200 service partners and experts of Walton, Marcel, ACC and Safe brands from all over the country took part in the day-long conference.
Among others, Walton Plaza’s Managing Director Mohammad Rayhan, Additional Managing Director (AMD) Nazrul Islam Sarker, Deputy Managing Director (DMD) Mohammad Yousuf Ali, AC’s Chief Business Officer (CBO) Tanvir Rahman, Deputy CBO Sondip Biswas, Chief Marketing Officer Didarul Alam Khan, Walton Distributor Network’s Head of Sales Firoj Alam, Chief Service Officer Shibdash Roy, Head of AC service Md. Arifuzzaman, Senior Executive Director Tanvir Anjum, Executive Director Azizul Hakim and Marcel’s Head of Business Md. Matiur Rahman also attend the conference. Popular film actor and Walton’s Senior Executive Director Amin Khan moderated the event.
In the conference, Walton Hi-Tech’s MD S M Mahbubul Alam provided necessary directives to the AC service experts for further accelerating and ensuring best after sales service.
S M Mahbubul Alam also inaugurated two new series of super power saving Walton ACs including the country’s first BSTI 6-star rating and South Asia’s most energy efficient AC as well as invertronics series’ light commercial AC.
Addressing the conference, Walton Hi-Tech MD S M Mahbubul Alam came up with a new life insurance policy for the service partners and their families across the country with exciting service benefits. Under the policy, the AC service providers will get from Tk1.5 lakh to maximum Tk. 3 lakh on any accidental death or damaged and natural death.
Pointing to the service experts, SM Mahbubul Alam said, only Walton has ISO certified customer service management system in Bangladesh for delivering after sales service with the combination of state-of-the art equipment, highly skilled engineers and technicians.
He said, “The life and health of every member of Walton family is valuable to us. For this reason, we announced this life insurance policy for them and the families. We have already appointed a health and hygiene officer at every service center across the country. To ensure their proper health, we are going to open health care centers as well. Besides, the service experts will also get the best services and special benefits including discounts at various organizations such as hospital, diagnostic center, insurance, restaurant etc.
He also requested the service experts to ensure the best service to the AC customers as they are the hearts of the company.
The Walton Hi-Tech’s MD also made the announcement of setting up technical training center at the Walton headquarters to ensure proper technical training for the countrywide service experts.
A total of 40 Walton AC service experts were awarded with foreign tour for their outstanding performance in customer service. Walton Hi-Tech’s MD SM Mahbubul Alam and Walton Plaza’s MD Mohammad Rayhan handed over awards and crest to the awardees.
The participants also joined in a raffle draw event. The day-long “AC Service Partner Conference- 2024’ was wrapped up with a splendid cultural program.